How to use the bike ride generator?
On the website: Go to the Rides tab. Click on Create your ride. Enter the starting point, duration of the ride, and the "Cyclist Profile" (Safe, Balanced, Direct, Touristic, Hybrid). Click on Find a ride. You can then modify tFew readersHow do I edit and enhance my ride?
Edit my itinerary and ride information " Click on ""Edit"". Click on "Edit" to make changes to your itinerary: route description, theme, cover image, etc. Add or modify points of interest: Select the "Points of interest" tab in the left-hand column. In "Recommended nearby", we suggest you add points close to your route. Click on the point of interest that appears on the map or in the left-hand column to add it as a stage. If you wish to add your own points of inFew readersHow can I make my ride public?
Now you can share your ride with the Geovelo community! You know your territory, we encourage you to share that knowledge! Sharing with the community will be offered at various stages during the creation of the ride. If you'd like to share the walk after it's been created, go to the "My rides" tab, then "Created rides", then choose the ride you'd like to share. When the Ride details opens, a window will ask you to "Switch to public visibility".Few readersHow do I use the ride creation tool?
Create a ride Go to geovelo.app, then to the "Ride" tab Click on "Create a ride". How do I plot my route using the route editor? Define your starting and finishing points by clicking on the map, or by entering the address. If you then wish to adapt the route choices defined by geovelo, you can either : add an address: by clicking on the "+" in the left-hand column by "dragging and dropping" the route from the map right-click to define a new start point, waypoint or finish.Few readers